ARCS 9.0

ARCS 9.0

9th Annual Research on Cities Summit (ARCS 9.0)

Sustainable Urban Futures: Policy, Planning, Management

A Multi-Disciplinary International Conference

School of Human Settlements

XIM University, Bhubaneswar, India

6 to 7 February 2025

Global sustainability rests on achieving sustainable urbanization; re-inventing cities is key to resolving many environmental issues. Realizing this necessitates substantial revision of existing urban policies, planning frameworks and management practices, as well as introduction of new ideas and approaches. As urban areas grow and environmental pressures increase, effective and environmentally conscious governance, ecologically-aware planning, and thoughtful management become central to achieving long-term urban sustainability. Initiatives and innovations in all these fronts are multiplying rapidly, and it is important to examine and understand the variety of efforts and their outcomes. The 9th ARCS therefore focuses on these three aspects of addressing the pressing challenges – on urban policy, planning and management for resilient and sustainable urbanization.

ARCS 9.0 will bring together researchers, policymakers, and practitioners to examine critical issues in urban sustainability, providing a platform for disseminating research and discussing best practices. The conference seeks to contribute to the broader understanding of sustainable urban futures through the lens of policy, planning, and management, offering insights into how cities can better prepare for and respond to future challenges. This multi-disciplinary International Conference will provide a forum for academics, students, researchers, professionals and policy makers to explore and learn how urban development policies, plans and projects can align with environmental priorities while remaining sensitive to local conditions. 

Contributors are urged to highlight how sustainability initiatives relate to the realities of the global South. As cities pursue the goals outlined in international frameworks such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), questions arise about how global policies, initiatives and experiences can be effectively adapted to diverse urban realities of the South, how policies and strategies can address urban and economic growth while promoting equity, environmental sustainability and social inclusion.

Urban and regional planning also plays a pivotal role in determining the trajectory of cities, from near-term resilience to climate shocks to long-term sustainable development. By discussing issues and new approaches to shaping urban spatial organization, infrastructure, inclusion and adaptability to future demands, the conference will explore how planning can respond to the need for more resilient, sustainable and efficient urban environments, particularly in light of increasing environmental pressures and rapid urbanization. Governance frameworks and urban management practices also determine the shape, structure and effectiveness of policies and plans. Existing and emerging urban management practices need to be critically examined, focusing on the systems that ensure cities function effectively in the face of everyday and unprecedented challenges. Effective management encompasses resource allocation, service delivery, and governance mechanisms that must adapt to evolving urban conditions.


The multi-disciplinary ARCS 9.0 conference aims to foster reflective engagement and empirical analysis on how cities can transition toward more sustainable development models. It will explore how policies can be shaped to promote sustainability while addressing the unique needs of different urban contexts, how planning processes can anticipate and adapt to future urban challenges, and how management practices can ensure the efficient use of resources and the resilience of urban systems.

Papers, cases, posters and presentations are invited from across disciplines, fields of practice fields and interest areas. Contributors are encouraged to share completed work as well as work-in-progress.

Papers, cases, posters, presentations, reports and final year thesis on urban and regional sustainability initiatives, projects and process experiences are invited from researchers, academics, professionals, students, civic and policy actors across disciplines and fields of practice. Submissions may relate to any one or more of the tracks, and should be original work of the authors/ presenters. The authors should clearly state their intended track(s) in their registration.

The ARCS 9.0 Conference Tracks are organized around key dimensions of and the central concerns of the conference—policy, planning, and management for urban sustainability – as they apply to various urban dimensions or systems. Participants are encouraged to submit papers or engage in discussions aligned with the following tracks:

1. Policies and governance for sustainable urbanism

This track will explore how urban policies can shape the future of societies and communities, focusing on strategic governance, planning, and implementation to help cities achieve the SDGs. It will examine how policy and governance frameworks can create actionable roadmaps for sustainable urban development, providing opportunities for goal-setting, strategic planning, and effective project management.The track invites submissions on the following aspects and other related areas –

  • SGDs and urban policies
  • Urban governance & institutional frameworks
  • Capacity building and skill development
  • Strategic management
  • Urban finance
  • Education for sustainable urbanism

2. Economy & livelihoods

This track centers on developing sustainable and inclusive urban economies and fostering opportunities for livelihoods across different socio-economic groups, addressing issues related to economic growth, development, and equal opportunities for all. Exploration into emerging “green jobs”, urban sustainability start-ups, new solutions for sustainable livelihoods approaches and other topics as below are encouraged.

  • Economic development and growth of cities
  • Informal livelihoods, poverty, and food security
  • The Gig economy and sustainable livelihoods
  • Green jobs and green entrepreneurship

3. Sustainable infrastructure and services

This track focuses on sustainable urban infrastructure for essential services: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), sustainable transportation, renewable energy, and the circular economy. The track aims to examine innovative policies and approaches that address the infrastructure needs of growing cities while balancing environmental protection and sustainability, paving the way for long-term urban resilience and livability. Topics may include work in the following areas, among others:

  • Sustainable mobility
  • Circular Economy
  • WASH
  • Blue, green, and grey infrastructure

4. Environment & Ecosystem

This track focuses on the impact of climate change on urban systems, focusing on risk assessment, vulnerability, and climate-resilient development. It explores nature-based solutions and traditional knowledge for urban management, integrating adaptation and mitigation strategies to create sustainable urban environments, and balancing ecological health with the needs of growing cities in ways that  promote long-term resilience and sustainability. Topics may relate to:  

  • Transitioning to net-positivity
  • Disaster risk reduction and recovery management
  • Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
  • Urban ecosystem services and nature-based solutions
  • Renewable energy

5. Urban Regeneration and Public Spaces

This track examines the role of public spaces in urban regeneration, focusing on how they can enhance sustainability, accessibility, and community connection. Public spaces are essential in shaping cities, influencing social interaction, environmental quality, and economic vitality; green spaces also provide essential ecosystem and nature-based services. SubmWork a multidisciplinary approach to rethinking and redesigning public spaces, ensuring they are resilient, inclusive, and contribute to long-term urban renewal and development. It has the following sub-themes:

  • Urban Open spaces
  • Green Place-making and tactical urbanism
  • Heritage conservation and tourism
  • Participatory planning for sustainability

6. Smart & Digital Applications

This track focuses on integrating advanced urban planning and management technologies to create sustainable and livable cities. Work pertaining to the application of digital innovations across urban systems and dimensions such as urban governance and planning are encouraged. Discussions on how smart solutions can enhance urban environments, foster resilience and efficiency in managing urban growth and sustainability, pertaining to the following are welcome.

  • Digital infrastructure
  • Technological innovation and smart applications
  • Smart Governance and Citizen Engagement
  • Big data and AI in urban development
  • Knowledge management

7. Real estate and affordable housing

Booming real estate markets, driven by rapid urbanization and increasing population is substantially contributing to economic growth, while sparking challenges in equitable access, loss of open and ecologically sensitive places, and expanding carbon footprints. The shortage of affordable housing has become a critical issue in many cities, leading to homelessness, overcrowding, and growing inequality. This track explores solutions to create more sustainable built environments, accessible and affordable housing and preserving critical urban ecosystems. Work on the following, among other topics, are welcomed:

  • Real Estate and built environment
  • Land management and governance
  • Housing for all – policies and processes

8. Inclusive and sustainable planning

This track will feature work on approaches for and diverse aspects of inclusive planning, focusing on the needs and preferences of underrepresented and marginalized groups. Research and practice(s) on plans and initiatives for building resilient, equitable, and sustainable communities that support economic development, social cohesion, and environmental stewardship are invited.  This track seeks to ensure that urban planning includes all perspectives by adopting a holistic approach. The theme is further divided into the following sub-themes:

  • Age-friendly cities
  • Gender-sensitive planning
  • Transgender communities in urban planning


Participants and presenters are required to register for the conference. Registration Fee Includes:

  • Admission to the technical sessions
  • Admission to all Plenaries and Roundtables
  • All-Conference materials
  • An invitation to the Special event (cultural and dinner)
  • Tea/coffee and lunch
  • Certificate (only to the registered attendees and presenters)

 Note: The conference fee does not include accommodation and airport transfer. Only limited accommodation is available on campus on a paid basis.

Cancellation Policy: The registration fees are not refundable in case of cancellation or non-attendance.


Registration Fees for Indian Nationals (including GST)

Registration Fee ( for presenters*)


Amount in INR

Early bird




Industry Professional



Faculty delegates



Student delegates (PG & Above)



Student delegates (UG)



Accompanying person (including GST)

Accompanying person with the presenter but not presenting (will receive only participation certificate)



NRI and Foreign Nationals (Hybrid)

International delegates

8000/ $100

10,000/ $125

*If multiple authors are presenting the paper, each author has to register separately as a presenter to avail the presenter certificate.

NOTE: Author/co-authors not attending the conference in person will not receive any certificate.

Important Dates

Submission deadline for abstracts

20th November 2024

Notification of abstract acceptance

5th December 2024

Early Bird Registration deadline

20th December 2024

Late Registration Deadline

20th January 2025

The Conference

6- 7 February 2025

Important Links

Abstract* (800- 1000 words) may be submitted to:

*minimum 800 words is manadatory

All inquiries may be sent to: [email protected]

More Updates on

SHS website:




THEMES SDGs and Policies Informality Equity and Inclusion Gender Smart & Digital Applications
Economy & livelihood
Sustainable Infrastructure and services
Environment & Ecosystem
Urban Regeneration and Public Spaces
Settlement Planning and development
Urban Governance
Capacity building and education


Track 1: Economy and Livelihood

This track will address the issues of economic development, growth, and creating equal, secure, and decent livelihood opportunities for all. It will answer the questions of sustainable livelihood approaches strategies. How does focusing on inclusive livelihood can lead to economic development? What are the various ways of achieving the same? What are the innovative techniques of income generation? What are the existing scenarios in the global south? The track is further divided into the following sub-themes:

  • Economy of cities and its region
  • Sustainable livelihood of the global south: approaches, policies, case studies
  • Economic growth and cities of the global south

Track 2: Sustainable Infrastructure and Services

This track will look into the global south’s sustainable urban infrastructure (social and physical), like housing, transportation, delivery of basic services, and its management. It will also focus on WASH’s approaches, policies, and practices in the southern cities and its region. it will stress the questions of sustainable ways of transportation in terms of their social and environmental impact. How do accessibility, quality, and equity in WASH make cities clean, green, and healthy? How does a circular economy promote resource-efficient living? How is affordable housing contributing to the well-being of people?

  • WASH in the global south
  • Sustainable Transportation: towards green mobility
  • Affordable housing and real estate in the southern cities: policies, impact, and practices
  • Circular economy in promoting resource-efficient cities
  • Case studies

Track 3: Environment and Ecosystem

This track will answer the question of achieving climate-resilient cities. What are the approaches, policies, and innovative planning to reduce the impact of climate change? What are the challenges and solutions in making cities resilient to disaster? How can the differential impact of climate change and disaster be addressed? The theme is further divided into the following sub-theme to answer these questions specifically:

  • Climate-resilient sustainable cities- Adaptation strategies, present scenarios, and various approaches
  • Disaster Risk Reduction: Practice and policies in the global south
  • Case studies and best practices of inclusive resilient planning and management of cities and regions
  • Nature-based solution for climate change and disaster mitigation

Track 4 : Sustainable Settlement Planning and Development

This theme will answer the urban, peri-urban, and rural landscape questions and their dynamics. Role of migration in shaping cities? What are the dynamics of the city region? What are the challenges in sustainable settlement planning and approaches? Exploring the rural-urban linkages and livelihood perspective. It is further divided into the following sub-themes:

  • Dynamics of urban, peri-urban, and rural landscapes
  • Rural-Urban Migration: Impact and Management
  • Settlement Planning and Sustainable Land Use
  • Rural-urban linkages and its dynamics in development

Track 5 : Inclusive Urban Regeneration and Public Spaces

The track revolves around creating public spaces considering beauty, quality, accessibility, connectivity, and resilience for sustainable urban regeneration. How is place making changes over identity, culture, and geography? How can we address the challenge of inclusivity in sustainable urban regeneration through place-making? Gentrification and conflict between formal and informal placemaking. It has the following sub-themes:

  • Urban Regeneration: Social Inclusion and Equity
  • Age-Friendly and Gender-Sensitive Urban spaces
  • Sustainable placemaking: Policies and approaches

Track 6: Urban governance

Track 6 examines innovative planning and development approaches adopted for sustainability in the global south. How are the governance structure and policies in cities addressing sustainability? It will also focus on case studies, sustainable city framework, best practices, etc. This theme is further divided into the following sub-themes:

  • SDGs and urban policy alignment in the global south
  • Future sustainable cities- prospects and challenges
  • Innovative Governance Strategies for Urban Sustainability

Track 7: Urban capacity building and education

This track will focus on capacity building of the urban planner, managers, and decision-makers. Why is it crucial to address the issue of capacity building among urban professionals and create awareness among the young generation for a sustainable future of cities? It will discuss institutional and human capacity-building practices, impacts, approaches, and policies. It will also address the existing scenarios of planning education in the global south, its issues, and what can be done. This track is divided into the following sub-themes:

  • Capacity building of urban professionals in the global south
  • Planning education for sustainable urban development
  • Future of cities, planning education and urban professionals: approaches and strategies for way forward


All the attendees and presenters are required to register for the conference.

Registration Fee Includes:

  • Admission to the technical sessions
  • Admission to all Plenaries and Roundtables
  • All-Conference materials
  • An invitation to the Special event (cultural and dinner)
  • Tea/coffee and lunch
  • Certificate (only to the registered attendees and presenters)

Note: The conference fee does not include accommodation and airport transfer. Only limited accommodation is available on campus.

Cancellation Policy: The registration fees are not refundable in case of cancellation or non-attendance.

Registration Fees for Indian Nationals

Registration Fee ( for presenters*)

Amount in INR

Early bird



Industry Professional 



Faculty delegates



Student delegates (PG & Above)



Student delegates (UG)



Thesis Presentation

Student delegates (PG & RS)



Student delegates (UG)



Accompanying person

Accompanying person with the presenter but not presenting (will receive only participation certificate)



NRI and Foreign Nationals

International delegates



*If multiple authors are presenting the paper, each author has to register separately as a presenter to avail the presenter certificate.

NOTE: Author/co-authors not attending the conference in person will not receive any certificate. Please do not email requesting a certificate post-conference.

Important Dates 

Submission deadline for abstracts

31st December 2023

Notification of abstract acceptance

5th January 2024

Early Bird Registration deadline

10th January 2024

Late Registration Deadline

22nd January 2024

The Conference

8-10 February 2024

Important Links

Abstract (800- 1200 words) may be submitted to:

Abstract template for submission: 

All inquiries may be sent to: [email protected]

More Updates on:

SHS website:


